2 Amazing Health Benefits of Goji Berries


Ancient Chinese nutritionists possessed a lot of food knowledge that is only just now trickling into Western practice. One of their vitamin-rich superfoods was the goji berry, a fruit commonly used to treat liver and kidney failure because of its high concentration of antioxidants, B vitamins, niacin, beta-carotene, and other minerals (it has over 30!).


Goji berries may be the number one natural source of antioxidants in the world. If that doesn’t get you excited enough to try them, these 2 amazing health benefits should.

goji berries

1. Goji Berries are Loaded with Antioxidants

I already mentioned this one, but it leads the list because of how powerful it really is. Goji berries are loaded with inflammation-fighting antioxidants that protect your cells when they’re exposed to smoke or radiation. In other words, they guard against the DNA damage that comes from toxins we encounter in life that eventually build up and lead to premature aging and cancer.Pomegranates and blueberries are the commonly known antioxidant-rich fruits and they would top any list that didn’t include goji berries, which are the most potent in the fruit world.

2. Goji Berries Help You See Better

Goji berries contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential nutrients for maintaining healthy vision. They can even reduce retina damage or prevent macular degeneration.Older people that struggle with eye problems may particularly benefit from a diet that includes goji berries.

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