Eat goji berries for eye health


Goji berries will remind you of cranberries or sour cherries with a hint tomato. Studies show they may be good for eye and long-termn vision health


They have been grown in the Himalayas in Tibet for thousands of years and used for medicinal properties.Today, their historical use is supported by modern science. The most recent study shows eating a small serving of dried goji berries supports healthy vision and provides important nutrients for slowing age-related macular degeneration,or AMD

The condition of AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in older people. It affects more than 11 million people in the United States and 170 million globally. The condition is characterized by fatty and protein deposits, called drusen, that build up in the back of the eye. lfthe drusen are large and occur in specific areas of the eye, it can make it difficult going from bright light-to-low light, or seeing a blank or blurry spot that blocks vision.

goji berry

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