Introduction to the efficacy and function of Zaokang gojiberry puree


1. Eye protection

Goji berry puree contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to eye health. It has a good improvement effect on alleviating dry eyes, eye astringency and eye protection.

2. Liver protection

Wolfberry puree has a protective effect on the liver, promotes the repair of damaged liver cells and regeneration of liver cells, nourishes the liver, detoxifies, and helps hangover, etc.

3. Nourishing yin and tonifying kidney

Lycium barbarum puree strengthens the body, strengthens the body, nourishes the marrow, nourishes yin and kidney, nourishes qi and calms the nerves, nourishes and grows hair, and has a good effect on strengthening physical fitness and improving kidney function.

pure juice

  4. Beautify and anti-aging

Goji berry puree contains vitamin E, vitamin C, goji berry polysaccharides and other nutrients. These substances can effectively slow down aging, nourish blood, nourish qi, nourish skin and whiten skin.

5. Improve sub-health

Lycium barbarum puree can improve human immune function, improve sleep quality, resist fatigue, and at the same time help the middle-aged, elderly and children enhance their learning and memory.

black goji juice

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