Pay attention to health


Organic Chinese Wolfberry is the highest food, in the growth process in full compliance with the natural process of growth, no pollution, no hormones, application of organic fertilizer a natural food. With the supply-side reform of Chinese wolfberry industry, more and more Chinese wolfberry growers begin to realize the importance of improving the quality of Chinese wolfberry.

Organic Wolfberry food is the highest standard in the food industry

Soil Environment

1. Lycium barbarum planting soil must not use prohibited substances, soil testing before planting, qualified to grow.

2. Organic Lycium planting requirements do not need to fertilize, if the soil due to lack of fertility when the need to fertilize. Apply all kinds of qualified organic fertilizer

healthy drink

3. How to apply fertilizer

Base fertilizer: use the method of circular furrow, 40 -50 cm from the rhizome dug up to 25 -30 cm deep circular furrow, evenly applied fertilizer cover soil fill

Foliage topdressing: generally in mid-may after the whole growth period 12-20 days spraying once to the leaves do not drip, before 10:00 am and after 4:00 pm as a good job.

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